Breathing Is Political’s coverage of  Mayor Tillman’s  visit to our area  and his shared presentation with Nancy Janyszeski will  be posted as a two-part series within the next 48 hours.   I apologize for the delay but  with 25+ pages  of notes,  I want to be sure this “watershed” moment   includes  our trip to Dimock, PA as well as the forum held yesterday in Callicoon.  It will also respond to new developments concerning interest shown by a local school district in siting a drilling operation on its school grounds.

Please stay tuned  and many thanks to  the 300 or so residents who turned out to hear what Mayor Tillman and Supervisor Janyszeski  have to tell us about their own experiences with this urgent issue.   Liz

1 thought on “Tillman: Dimock to Callicoon : Please Stay Tuned!

  1. Farmers often comment on the fact that many people in our country have no idea where the food in the grocery store comes from or what it takes to get it there. It occurred to me that the same is true for the fuel we use every day and how vulnerable we are if something catastrophic happens to the delivery system which brings it to us. Anything from an economic meltdown to war or a natural disaster . I believe that once we get beyond this discussion of the fears of gas drilling we need to start being grateful that we have this resource under us and start figuring out how to best utilize natural gas for our local sustainability . I am part of a group studying the feasibility of scrubbing and compressing biogas from manure digesters and powering tractors and trucks on farms. We know it can and has been done, therefore it can be done with wellhead gas which is cleaner than biogas. I intend to negotiate to be able to purchase gas from any wells on our property at the wellhead price and start converting our farm to use liquid petroleum fuel. I believe that most of the natural gas in the northeast is piped here from the south, if we have the natural gas already here gas companies could reroute gas here in the northeast.

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